Pool Extraction Board (PXB)

The PXB course is an optional extra within our other pool courses, however, we do offer it as a separate training option for any staff member that is likely to attend a pool emergency.
Providing significantly faster rescue times, improved safety, and reduces demands on staff, the innovation requires just two trained users to carry out a pool rescue for deck-level pools and three trained users for freeboard pools (max freeboard depth 30cms) as opposed to the traditional four users. This means fewer rescuers are required in the pool itself, enabling them to continue to monitor other swimmers and perform key roles in a rescue situation. The versatile board can be used with or without a freeboard and at any depth. A rescue using the new Pool Extraction Board can be accomplished in as little as 90 seconds!
Included in this 4-hour course candidates will be continuously assessed throughout on the safe use of the Pool Extraction Board for unconscious casualties and casualties with suspected spinal injuries, management of regurgitation, CPR and safe use of AED’s and recovery position.
It is recommended that refresher training on the PXB be completed either annually or bi-annually based on the user’s risk assessments.