RLSS Swimming Pool Emergency Rescue Award

The HSE publication “Managing Health and Safety in Swimming Pools” states: When the pool is in use, there must be a safe system of work to identify a person in difficulty and ensure that a rescue can be performed. For example, in the absence of lifeguards, there should be a designated ‘on call’ competent staff to respond immediately to deal with any emergency” (HSE 2018)
The Swimming Pool Emergency Rescue Award is not intended to be used in place of a lifeguard qualification, such as the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ). The NPLQ includes more detailed training and content to prepare someone to supervise the pool directly.
Course Prerequisites
Every candidate attending the Swimming Pool Emergency Rescue Award must be 16 years old or above at the beginning of the course.
• Must be 16 years of age at the beginning of the course
• Ability to swim on front and back
• Surface dive to the deepest part of the pool and climb out without steps or ladders where the pool design permits
Course Content
The course content includes:
• Rescue a casualty in the event of being alerted to an emergency
• Recover a casualty to poolside
• Perform vital First Aid, including CPR and AED
• Option to include Pool Extraction Board (PXB)
The Swimming Pool Emergency Rescue Award course requires 100% attendance. To pass the award, candidates are required to complete an assessment that demonstrates their knowledge and understanding of the topics, as well as practical demonstrations of first aid and pool rescue skills.
The Swimming Pool Emergency Rescue Award is valid for two years. To renew, candidates will need to complete the course and assessment as a new candidate.