Level 2 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points

This Level 2 course is designed to help those who are tasked with the systematic preventative approach to food safety from biological, chemical, and physical hazards in production processes that can cause the finished product to be unsafe and designs measures to reduce these risks to a safe level.
In its simplest form HACCP involves:
• Identifying Food safety hazards i.e. those things in the process that would make the food produced unsafe to eat, such as
delays in preparation allowing bacteria to multiply
• Controlling these hazards, especially those points critical to food safety
• Monitoring the controls i.e. checking that controls are in place and are effective
• Corrective action i.e. the action taken when monitoring indicates that a control isn't working. This involves rectifying the
problem that resulted in the control failing and often involves the destruction of the contaminated food
• Documentation i.e. recording details about the HACCP system including details of monitoring and, if necessary, corrective
action taken
Typically held for a group of staff, this course can be delivered at your workplace or at our training centre.